Tribal Authority
The Morongo Tribal Leasing Ordinance was approved by Morongo General Membership and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, authorizing the Tribe to review and approve leases of land held in trust for the Tribe by the United States, without review and approval by the Secretary of the Interior. This authorization is pursuant to the federal Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Home Ownership Act of 2012 (“HEARTH ACT of 2012” Public Law 112-151, 126 Stat. 1160 (2012)).
The Environmental Protection Department completes or directs the completion of Environmental Reviews for all lease projects, in compliance with the Morongo Tribal Leasing Ordinance, the National Environmental Policy Act, and other relevant tribal ordinances and federal laws, Executive Orders, and regulations.
Documents for Pubic Review and Comment
Documents available for public review and comment will be posted and available for no less than 20 days pursuant to the Morongo Tribal Leasing Ordinance. Hard copies of the documents will be available during the comment period at the Tribal Administration Building, Environmental Department Offices located at 12700 Pumarra Road, Banning. Comments on the documents below may be submitted via email to Dana Morey, Environmental Director at All comments submitted by the comment end date will be recorded and considered.