Morongo Band of Mission Indians
Tribal Administration
*Business Hours
Monday – Friday | 8:00am – 5:00pm
Closed on Holidays
12700 Pumarra Road,
Banning, CA 92220
(951) 755-5180
*Certain Departments may have different hours and or a different physical address.
NOTE: A Valid Photo ID is required to enter the Morongo Indian Reservation
The Planning, Construction Services and Facilities Maintenance Departments work together to preserve and protect the Reservation’s natural and man-made environments.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Planning, Construction Services and Facilities Maintenance Departments is to protect the Reservation’s natural and man-made environment, its economic base, and its identifiable communities by providing timely and accurate planning, construction services and facilities maintenance. The core values of the department include teamwork, professionalism, problem-solving, integrity, innovation and creativity.
The Planning Department is responsible for preparation of the General Plan. The General Plan is an expression of what the community wants to look like now and 30 years into the future. It is a statement of goals, a listing of objectives, and a vision of what might be. The General Plan serves as a guide to decision-making; it guides and influences decisions which shape the future of the Reservation. Planning staff provides written reports and recommendations to the Planning Commission and Tribal Council relative to land use and development matters.
The Planning Department serves as the ‘clearing house’ for all requests for government-to-government consultation between the Tribe and local governments with regard to projects and activities throughout Riverside and San Bernardino Counties that may impact culturally or historically sensitive sites. The Planning Department also monitors the activities of local cities, county and state agencies as they may affect the Tribe.
The Planning Department sits in an advisory capacity to the Planning Commission regarding land use and economic development proposals submitted by potential business and investment partners. Planning also assists the Environmental Department with the environmental review of all tribal projects.
Construction Services:
The Construction Services Department is responsible for the coordination, implementation and oversight of various types of Tribal building projects. These projects range from infrastructure improvements such as roads and public utilities including water, sewer, electrical and natural gas to vertical construction throughout the Reservation and Tribal Enterprises. The Department consists of a Director, Construction Manager and an Estimator.
Facilities Maintenance:
The Facilities Maintenance Department focuses on improving the performance and longevity of buildings and environmental systems through consistent, effective, and proper facility maintenance and operation. The staff of oversees all Tribal buildings on the Reservation as well as Tribal Enterprise buildings.