
Hurricane Hilary Evacuation Warning Lifted

Evacuation Warning Lifted

The voluntary evacuation warning issued due to Tropical Storm Hilary was lifted at 8 a.m. this morning (Monday, Aug. 21) on the Morongo Indian Reservation. The temporary evacuation center located at the Morongo Community Center will close at noon today, however gates into the canyons will remain closed at this time.

Remember, do not drive on flooded roads or around road closures as streets may be washed out underneath floodwaters. TURN AROUND! DON’T DROWN!

For updates, please monitor the Morongo EMS Facebook page and the tribal website, watch your email and cell phone alerts and listen to the Morongo Emergency Radio at FM 89.1.

Hurricane Hilary Evacuation Warning Lifted Read More »

Four Recent Supreme Court Decisions Impacting Tribal Sovereignty with Stephen L. Pevar

WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2023 | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
RSVP 530-661-5767 or Email

From 1971 through 1974, Mr. Stephen Pevar was a staff attorney with South Dakota Legal Services on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation. From 1976 to the present, he has served as a National Staff Counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. Mr. Pevar has litigated 200 federal cases involving constitutional rights, including cases in more than 10 different Federal District Courts, 3 differ- ent U.S. Courts of Appeals, and 1 case in the US. Supreme Court. Mr. Stephen Pevar is a Federal Indian Law instructor, and the author of The Rights of Indians and Tribes (Oxford University Press, published January 2012). He has litigated a number of cases in the field of Indian rights and has lectured extensively on the subject.
Come listen to Stephen L. Pevar discuss & important Supreme Court Decisions affecting tribes, and pick up a signed copy of his book!

Four Recent Supreme Court Decisions Impacting Tribal Sovereignty with Stephen L. Pevar Read More »

Morongo Awards Nearly $200,000 to Community Groups at 2nd Annual Community Outreach Luncheon

Members of the Morongo Tribal Council, the Morongo Community Outreach Committee, and officials from area non-profit organizations at the 2nd Annual Morongo Community Outreach Awards.

The Tribe provided grants to 71 different organizations serving others across local communities, continuing its commitment to philanthropy

The Morongo Band of Mission Indians awarded nearly $200,000 in grants to dozens of non-profit organizations serving local communities as part of the Tribe’s 2nd Community Outreach Awards luncheon, held on Wednesday, April 19.

The 71 grant recipients represented a wide array of organizations across Riverside and San Bernardino counties, including those involved with Native American culture, social services, education, hospitals or health organizations, and support groups for members of the military and military families.

“Morongo is a giving tribe, and helping others has been a core value of our tribe for generations. We are thrilled to be supporting dozens of exceptional non-profit organizations who inspire us by doing so much to serve those in need and to promote the wellbeing of others,” said Morongo Tribal Chairman Charles Martin.

Morongo Tribal Chairman Charles Martin speaks at the 2nd Annual Morongo Community Outreach Awards.

Launched in 2022, the Morongo Community Outreach Awards Program supports the work of  non-profit organizations across the Inland Empire and Southern California by providing grants of up to $5,000 each to recipient groups. With this year’s awards, the program has awarded nearly $400,000 in grants in two years.

“We are so thankful to the Morongo Band of Mission Indians for their generous support,” said Raven Hilden, Founder and CEO of MilVet, a Murrieta-based non-profit that supports deployed troops, veterans and their families. “This grant will help us provide care packages for our nation’s heroes both abroad and here at home.”

Patrick Froehle of Banning-based non-profit Hope, Empathy, Love, Prayer (H.E.L.P.), a food pantry that provides supplemental food to low-income families in the San Gorgonio Pass area expressed his gratitude to the Tribe for their focus on helping the community.

“We are so grateful to have a partner like Morongo and for their continued support of our community and groups like ours that help provide much-needed resources to those experiencing food insecurity,” Froehle said.

During the luncheon, award recipients were recognized for their exceptional service and partnership with Morongo.

“We deeply appreciate Morongo’s continued generosity and support,” said Maureen Girouard, Director for Development and Communications for ABC Recovery Center, an Indio-based addiction treatment center. “This grant enables us to expand our abilities in providing medical intervention technologies that when needed and deployed, could mean the difference between life and death for the very vulnerable population we serve.”

Groups that received awards from Morongo hailed from across the Inland region, ranging from Clearwater Residential, Inc., of Moreno Valley (a housing provider for low-income veterans) to the CARE Project of Riverside (breast cancer support), to Guide Dogs of the Desert of Palm Springs (providing service dogs to the visually-impaired) to Olive Crest of Palm Desert.

Morongo’s Community Outreach Awards Program aligns with the Tribe’s ongoing philanthropic efforts. Over the past decade, Morongo has provided more than $15 million to support local and national non-profit organizations that serve the San Gorgonio Pass and the surrounding regions, as well as greater Southern California.

For information about the 2024 Community Outreach Awards program, groups are encouraged to visit

Morongo Tribal leaders and elected officials from Riverside County and the San Gorgonio Pass celebrate the 2nd Annual Morongo Community Outreach Awards.

Morongo Awards Nearly $200,000 to Community Groups at 2nd Annual Community Outreach Luncheon Read More »

New Morongo Tribal Ground and Air Ambulances Take Flight to Strengthen Regional Public Safety

Tribe’s historic partnership with American Medical Response & REACH Air Medical Services will save lives in the San Gorgonio Pass and beyond by providing new emergency medical transport services.

Officials from the Morongo Band of Mission Indians and Global Medical Response at the launch ceremony for the new Morongo air and ground ambulance program. (left to right) Morongo Fire Chief Jason Carrizosa, Morongo Chief Executive Officer Titu Asghar, Morongo Tribal Council Members Jeanette Burns, Mary Ann Andreas, and Teresa Sanchez, Morongo Tribal Chairman Charles Martin, and Samuel Flores, Donnie Wharton, Philip Forgione and Jeremey Shumaker of Global Medical Response.

MORONGO INDIAN RESERVATION – The Morongo Band of Mission Indians gathered on March 31 with elected leaders and regional public safety officials to christen a new tribal ground ambulance and medical helicopter that will provide life-saving critical care and medical transport services on the Morongo Reservation, in communities across the San Gorgonio Pass and beyond.

The innovative partnership between Morongo and Global Medical Response companies, REACH Air Medical Services, and American Medical Response, is believed to be the nation’s first collaboration between a federally recognized tribe and an emergency medical service provider to provide both air and ground ambulances.

New Morongo Tribal Ground and Air Ambulances Take Flight to Strengthen Regional Public Safety Read More »

SoCalGas – High Winter Bills PSA


Unprecedented cold weather across the nation in part has caused natural gas market prices in the West to more than double between December and January – to the tune of 128% since December. According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), several factors are contributing to higher natural gas commodity prices.

SoCalGas – High Winter Bills PSA Read More »

Morongo Donates Winter Coats, Shoes and Toys to Children in Need

Tribe supports Christmas in Cabazon Brunch with holiday gifts to local kids 

CABAZON, CA – Holiday cheers and smiles were aplenty as hundreds of children from across the San Gorgonio Pass received gifts as part of Saturday’s Christmas in Cabazon Brunch with Santa, sponsored by the Morongo Band of Mission Indians at the James A. Venable Community Center in Cabazon, CA.

“We are delighted to be able to help children in need in our local communities,” said Morongo Tribal Chairman Charles Martin. “By partnering with our friends at the Venable Community Center again this year, we are brightening the holidays for over 200 kids.”

At this year’s event, excited children picked out their own brand-new winter coats, shoes and toys. They also received Target gift cards, enjoyed a visit with Santa Claus and other fun activities. 

“For many years, our partnership with Morongo has helped thousands of children in need receive holiday toys and winter clothes that will help them brave the winter season,” said Community Center Manager Deana Mann. “We are grateful to have such generous partners in Morongo.”

Morongo’s support of the Cabazon Brunch with Santa follows the tribe’s efforts to help children in need each holiday season. Morongo contributes more than $1 million annually to support communities and nonprofits across Southern California.

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Morongo Helps Provide 300,000 Thanksgiving Meals for Those in Need

The Tribe gives away a record 15,000 turkeys to 116 nonprofit organizations across the Inland Empire and Southern California.

MORONGO INDIAN RESERVATION – The Morongo Band of Mission Indians gave away a record 15,000 free turkeys this week to non-profit groups, churches and charities from across Southern California as part of the Tribe’s 36th Annual Thanksgiving Outreach Program.

The turkeys donated this year will provide nearly 300,000 holiday meals to families, seniors and veterans in need. Since the program began, Morongo has given away more than 175,000 turkeys, which in turn have provided an estimated 3.5 million holiday meals.

“Morongo launched our Thanksgiving Outreach program more than three decades ago to help those struggling to put food on the table,” said Morongo Tribal Chairman Charles Martin. “The last couple of years have presented unprecedented challenges for so many, and we are humbled to be in the position to help those in need.”

Tribal members and volunteers gathered at the Morongo Community Center from Nov. 14 – 16 to distribute Thanksgiving turkeys to 116 nonprofit organizations, such as food pantries, churches, homeless shelters, schools and veteran groups from across Southern California.

Groups receiving turkeys hailed from Banning, Beaumont, Riverside, San Bernardino, Moreno Valley, Temecula, Desert Hot Springs, Indio, Redlands, Los Angeles, and other communities. The groups will use the turkeys to provide hot holiday meals to those in need or will distribute the birds in holiday meal gift baskets with additional side dishes to help feed thousands of people who otherwise would not have been able to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner this year.

“The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission is busier than ever this year, and with the economy the way it is, we’ve had to double the amount of those we are providing food boxes to,” said Darla Burkett, executive director of the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission. “We are so very grateful to the Morongo Band of Missions for their generous support in allowing us to feed hundreds of people in need this holiday season.”

Other non-profit groups who received turkeys included the Los Angeles Rescue Mission in Los Angeles, Victory Outreach in Banning, St. Elizabeth of Hungary Food Pantry in Desert Hot Springs and Carol’s Kitchen in Beaumont among others.

The Healing & Hope for the Homeless in Los Angeles received 300 turkeys to help feed the homeless this holiday.

“During this very difficult and uncertain time, Morongo’s commitment to helping those who are less fortunate is always consistent,” said Karen Collins, Volunteer Coordinator of the Healing & Hope for the Homeless. “We are so thankful for the 300 turkeys that Morongo has gifted to Healing & Hope for the Homeless for those in need of a warm and delicious holiday meal.”

Pastor Victor Archuleta of Victory Outreach Church in Banning said the 300 turkeys provided by Morongo will help struggling families enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner together.

“Morongo’s Thanksgiving Outreach Program has been the gift that keeps on giving to the families in need across the San Gorgonio Pass,” Archuleta said. “The blessing of a warm meal from Morongo provides a light of hope to many who are struggling.” 

For nearly 40 decades, thousands of veterans and military families have benefitted from the tribe’s Thanksgiving Outreach program with turkeys donated to local chapters of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and other military support groups.

“Morongo’s generosity never ceases to surprise our military families, especially during the holiday season,” said Todd Sieja, President and CEO of the Western Eagle Foundation in Temecula. “Year after year, they help provide delicious thanksgiving meals for our veterans to enjoy and share with their loved ones.”

To receive turkeys, participating groups submitted applications to the Tribe and were notified over the summer that they had been selected. For organizations interested in receiving turkeys next Thanksgiving, applications for next year are due in Spring 2023. 


Morongo Helps Provide 300,000 Thanksgiving Meals for Those in Need Read More »

Maintenance Power Outage Cancelled – Wednesday November 9, 2022


 Wednesday, November 9, 2022 Main
Outage # 000800179852 – CANCELLED 11/8/2022 Due to Weather
Estimated Start 3:00 AM 11/09/2022
Estimated End 3:00 PM 11/09/2022
Outage Reason pole upgrade
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Morongo Awards $20,000 in Scholarships to Two Native American Students

The annual Rodney T. Mathews Jr. Scholarship has awarded $550,000 to Native American students, the most underrepresented group in higher education.

MORONGO INDIAN RESERVATION – Two Native American students from California have each received a $10,000 scholarship from the Morongo Band of Mission Indians as part of the 17th Annual Rodney T. Mathews Jr. Scholarship Program.

Since its launch, Morongo’s program has awarded 55 scholarships totaling $550,000 to Native American students attending universities across the nation. The scholarship program is open to enrolled members of any of the more than 100 federally-recognized tribes in California.

“Through our Rodney T. Mathews Jr. Scholarship program, Morongo is helping reverse the trends that have left Native Americans as the most underrepresented group in colleges and universities,” Morongo Tribal Chairman Charles Martin said. “Students like this year’s recipients will be the tribal leaders of the future, and we are pleased to be helping them acquire the education and skills they need to guide and improve tribal communities for the next generation.”

Morongo Awards $20,000 in Scholarships to Two Native American Students Read More »

Professional and Amateur Ropers Kick Up Some Dust at 9th Annual Morongo Rodeo

Riders competed for prize money and a chance to qualify for the BFI Team Roping at the free rodeo held Saturday Oct. 8 at the Morongo Indian Reservation.

MORONGO INDIAN RESERVATION – Amateur and professional ropers and riders competed for cash prizes at the 9th Annual Open Ranch Rodeo, a free family-friendly event held on Saturday, October 8 at the Morongo Indian Reservation.

For the fourth year, the rodeo featured a qualifying event for the Bob Feist Invitational (BFI) Team Roping, commonly known as ‘’The Feist,” the largest one-day annual open roping event in the country held in Reno.

“The Morongo Open Ranch Rodeo is always an exciting event,” said team roping champion Derek Begay, a nine-time Wrangler National Finals Rodeo qualifier. “I always have a great time here and it’s fun seeing all the fans come out to support the amateur and pro riders.”

The daylong rodeo at Morongo attracted dozens of riders and ropers who competed for thousands of dollars in prize money in numerous events, including open and team roping, Calcutta, ribbon roping, and ranch-style steer stopping, among others. Competitions for younger riders included mutton busting and youth barrel racing.

“Morongo’s annual rodeo is a great atmosphere for both fans and families, and we welcome ropers of all skills and ages to compete,” said Morongo Tribal Council Member Brian Lugo, the rodeo president. “Morongo has a long history of cattle ranching, and our rodeo offers a chance to honor our tribe’s past and the legacy of Indian ranching.”

Hosted by the Morongo Band of Mission Indians and the Morongo Cultural Heritage Department, the event sponsors include Southern California Edison and the Barona Resort & Casino.

“The Morongo rodeo is always a first-class event and a great chance for fans to see some of the best riders in the country, as well as some up-and-coming riders,” said Erich Rogers, World Champion Team Ropers at the 2017 National Finals Rodeo.  “It’s definitely one of my favorite stops and I look forward to it every single year.”

Professional and Amateur Ropers Kick Up Some Dust at 9th Annual Morongo Rodeo Read More »

Notice of Availability – Final Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Morongo Hotel Project – 11/25 – 12/15/2022

As the Lead Agency, the Morongo Band of Mission Indians (Tribe) hereby provides this Notice of Availability of a Final Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Morongo Hotel Project.  This EA documents the environmental review of a proposal by the Tribe to develop a 23-acre Project site to accommodate two standalone hotels, approximately four standalone pad (standalone sites typically located within a parking lot upon which a customized space can be built and/or leased for a tenant) type retail outlets, and three standalone office spaces. The EA supports a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The Project site is located in a previously disturbed area on the Morongo Indian Reservation north of the Seminole Drive traffic circle. Surrounding (<1,000 feet) land uses of the Project site include disturbed Reservation lands to the north and northeast, the existing Morongo Travel Center and the existing Morongo Casino Resort & Spa (MCRS) facility to the east and southeast, the I-10 and associated infrastructure to the south and southwest, the existing Cabazon Outlets to the west, and off-Reservation housing to the northwest. The EA and FONSI are available for review on the Morongo Band of Mission Indians’ website at Hard copies are available at the Morongo Tribal Administration Building, located at 12700 Pumarra Road, Banning, CA 92220. No further action will be taken on the environmental process for at least 20 days after the publication of this notice. For more information, please contact Dana Morey, Director, Morongo Environmental Protection Department, 12700 Pumarra Rd, Banning, CA 92220, telephone (951) 755-5198, email  Written comments should be mailed or emailed to Dana Morey at the addresses above and will be accepted during a 20-day public review period beginning 11/25/2022 and ending 12/15/2022.

Notice of Availability – Final Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Morongo Hotel Project – 11/25 – 12/15/2022 Read More »

Morongo Celebrates Native American Culture at 31st Annual Thunder & Lightning Powwow

Over 900 tribal dancers and 20 drum groups from across the U.S. and Canada gathered with thousands of spectators to honor traditional Native American music, dance and art.

Morongo Indian Reservation – More than 30,000 spectators celebrated Native American music, art, and dancing at the 31st Annual Morongo Thunder & Lightning Powwow, held September 23 – 25 at the Morongo Indian Reservation. 

As one of the nation’s most highly anticipated powwows, the year’s outdoor gathering hosted by the Morongo Band of Mission Indians attracted over 900 tribal dancers and 20 drum groups from across the United States and Canada.

Throughout the weekend, dancers wearing intricate, handcrafted regalia of leather, fine beadwork and brightly-colored feathers competed in a variety of events that displayed the diversity of Native American dance styles.

“The Morongo Thunder and Lightning Powwow offers us a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our heritage while passing along our traditions to future generations,” said Morongo Tribal Chairman Charles Martin. “Powwow allows us to share our culture with visitors to our reservation, and to teach others about the beauty of Native American dance, music and art.”

The highlight of each day, the Grand Entry drew hundreds of dancers dressed in traditional regalia into the powwow arena which was transformed into a spectacular display of rhythm, music and motion as men, women and children danced together to the music of competitive drum groups and singers.

The Powwow included traditional bird singing and peon games of the Morongo Band of Mission Indians and other tribes in Southern California.

At the Morongo Indian Market, artists offered authentic Native American crafts for sale, such as handmade baskets, beadwork, clothing, jewelry, and pottery. Native food vendors offered customary homemade delicacies such as Indian tacos and tasty Indian frybread.

Morongo Celebrates Native American Culture at 31st Annual Thunder & Lightning Powwow Read More »

University of California’s Native American Opportunity Plan

UC’s Native American Opportunity Plan ensures that in-state systemwide Tuition and Student Services Fees are fully covered for California students who are also enrolled in federally recognized Native American, American Indian, and Alaska Native tribes. This plan applies to undergraduate and graduate students.

University of California’s Native American Opportunity Plan Read More »

Morongo Awards Nearly $200,000 to Community Groups at Inaugural Community Outreach Luncheon

Members of the Morongo Tribal Council, the Morongo Community Outreach Committee, and representatives of Carol’s Kitchen of Banning, Guide Dogs of the Desert, and Olive Crest gather onstage at the Morongo Community Outreach Awards Luncheon.

In furtherance of its goal to help support local non-profits, the Tribe provided grants to 67 different organizations serving others across local communities.

MORONGO INDIAN RESERVATION – The Morongo Band of Mission Indians awarded nearly $200,000 to dozens of non-profit organizations serving local communities as part of the Tribe’s inaugural Community Outreach Awards luncheon, held on Wednesday, April 13.

The 67 award recipients represented a wide array of organizations across Riverside and San Bernardino counties, including those involved with Native American culture, social services, education, hospitals or health organizations, and support groups for members of the military and military families.

Morongo Awards Nearly $200,000 to Community Groups at Inaugural Community Outreach Luncheon Read More »

Morongo Gives Record $5.6 Million to San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital Foundation to Expand Stroke Program

BANNING, CALIF (March 16, 2022)  – The Morongo Band of Mission Indians presented a record $5.6 million donation to the San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital Foundation on Wednesday, March 16 to purchase new equipment and build new facilities that will allow the hospital to become the first certified stroke center in the San Gorgonio Pass.

The donation, which is the largest ever received by the Foundation, will pay for new equipment that is critical for treating acute stroke patients, including two computerized tomography (CT) scanners that allow doctors to diagnose and monitor patient conditions, a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine capable of producing exceptional imagery (at 1.5T), and an entirely new building for the MRI equipment.

The Foundation will also use the funds to purchase a new gamma camera and upgrade the stroke facility’s digital radiography rooms and older pieces of equipment.

“This extremely generous gift from the Morongo Band of Mission Indians will save lives all across our Pass communities for many, many years to come,” said Foundation President Randy Robbins. “Morongo’s donation will bring immediate, life-saving benefits to the residents of the Pass and is an amazing milestone for marking the 40th anniversary of our Foundation.”

Morongo Tribal Chairman Charles Martin

Morongo Tribal Chairman Charles Martin praised the San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital staff, leadership and Foundation for their unwavering dedication to serving others in need, especially over the past two years during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Your commitment, compassion, and professionalism are nothing short of amazing. Morongo has enjoyed a close relationship with the Foundation and the hospital for decades, and our Tribe is grateful to build upon that partnership to advance the health and wellness of our growing Pass communities,” Martin said.

The funds will strengthen the hospital’s Stroke Program through the purchase and installation of an Emergency Department CT Scanner with Brain Perfusion; a secondary CT Scanner with Cardiac package; rooms to house the new units, as well as a new MRI unit and building.

The new equipment and capabilities will enable San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital to become a Certified Stroke Center, meaning stroke patients in the Pass can receive care faster and will no longer need to be automatically transported to stroke centers outside of the area.

“We are deeply grateful for Morongo’s support, which will allow us to purchase new equipment that is essential for strengthening patient care,” said San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital Chief Medical Officer Dr. Karan P. Singh. “When it comes to strokes, every minute counts. Morongo’s gift puts us in a much better position to save lives and reduce long-term impacts to stroke patients by providing them immediate care.”

San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital Board Chair Susan DiBiasi also thanked the Tribe for the donation on behalf of the board, saying “Thanks to Morongo, the future is bright at the San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital.” The $5.6 million donation to the Foundation aligns with Morongo’s ongoing commitment to improve the quality of life and well-being of communities across Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Over the past decade, Morongo has given over $15 million to support local and regional nonprofit organizations that help seniors, families, veterans, youth and those in need.

Morongo Gives Record $5.6 Million to San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital Foundation to Expand Stroke Program Read More »

Morongo Donates $20,000 to Support Local Youth Baseball

MORONGO INDIAN RESERVATION – In its ongoing work to support local youth in the community, the Morongo Band of Mission Indians presented the Banning Pass Little League with a $20,000 contribution to help the organization purchase new baseball equipment for its youth players.

“Supporting local youth by creating new opportunities for learning and recreation is very important to our Tribe,” said Morongo Tribal Chairman Charles Martin. “The Banning Pass Little League provides local kids with a safe and healthy environment to learn the great game of baseball and to develop positive qualities, like sportsmanship, teamwork and integrity as they build friendships that will last a lifetime.”

Banning Pass Little League President Johnny Sigala thanked Morongo for the donation which will help the expected 450 local youth who will participate in the league this year by providing new and needed gear and field maintenance equipment.

“We deeply appreciate this generous donation from the Morongo Band of Mission Indians which will help hundreds of children in the Banning area, now and in the years to come,” Sigala said. “Morongo has truly made an essential investment in the future of this league, and we can’t thank the Tribe enough for its efforts to make a difference in the lives of so many young players across the community.” Morongo tribal leaders remain committed to improving the wellbeing of communities across the Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Over the past decade, Morongo has given over $10 million to support local and regional nonprofit organizations that help seniors, families, veterans, youth and those in need.

Morongo Donates $20,000 to Support Local Youth Baseball Read More »

Assembly Member James C. Ramos was live at California Indian Nations College

California Rep. James Ramos is hosting this roundtable at California Indian Nations College in Palm Desert. The tribal college is working to gain federal accreditation and become one of the more than 30 such tribal higher education institutions in the US. California, which has a high Native American population, does not currently have a tribal college.

Assembly Member James C. Ramos was live at California Indian Nations College Read More »

Morongo Gives Away 13,500 Free Turkeys at 35th Annual Thanksgiving Outreach Program

Tribal members and volunteers help package some of 13,500 free turkeys that were given away by the Morongo Band of Mission Indians.

The Tribe’s three-day turkey distribution provides nearly 275,000 holiday meals to families, seniors and veterans in need across Southern California. MORONGO INDIAN RESERVATION – The Morongo Band of Mission Indians is gave away 13,500 free turkeys this week to non-profit groups, churches and charities across Southern California as part of the Tribe’s 35th annual Thanksgiving Outreach program. The turkeys donated this year will provide nearly 275,000 holiday meals to families, seniors and veterans in need. Since the program’s creation, Morongo has given away nearly 160,000 turkeys, which in turn have provided an estimated 3 million holiday meals. “Over the past 35 years, Morongo has remained committed to helping others to provide hope and opportunity to those in need, and that assistance is especially important this year in light of the acute challenges that have left so many families struggling,” said Morongo Tribal Chairman Charles Martin.

Morongo Gives Away 13,500 Free Turkeys at 35th Annual Thanksgiving Outreach Program Read More »